Experience The Beauty About Dabo Singkep: Tourist Attractions, Typical Foods, and Souvenirs. Enjoy It!!!!
Welcome to my blog that will take you on a trip to my hometown. I will bring you to experience the beauty of Dabo Singkep which is rarely known by many people. Let's discover the beauty of tourist attractions, culinary and souvenirs on this beautiful island. Dabo Singkep is one of the islands located on Singkep Island. Transportation to Dabo S ingkep by air or by sea. You can use a ship that stops at Tanjung Pinang or a direct ship. To reach there takes quite a long time about 4 to 5 hours by boat. Dabo Singkep is famous for beach tourism. Many tourists come from various regions. Dabo Singkep is famous for its beautiful beaches and is close to people's homes. My house is close to the beach, I can enjoy the sunrise and sunset that go to the beach. For residents who live close to the beach, they don't need to visit a far beach, they can play on the beach behind their house. For tourists who come, they can visit several famous locations in Dabo Singkep. One of the traditions ...